international mountain leader - uimla

accompagnateur en montagne - AeM BE - FRANCE

The national french lycence of Accompagnateur Moyenne Montagne is recognized all over in Europe, thanks to his high level of skills required.

agrément merveilles - mercantour national park

Obteined on 03/09/2015 - Mercantour National Park


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foto Laurent Carré 2014

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Luca Francesco Maria Giraudo


Ornitologo - International Mountain Leader - Accompagnateur en Montagne BE France - Accompagnatore  Naturalistico Regione Piemonte - Accompagnatore Turistico - Istruttore nazionale Nordic Walking SINW

e-mail: - cellulare +393336678359 -  portable +33767220496

Via Rana, 10 - 12012 Boves CN

C.F. GRDLFR64R09B101Z - P. IVA  03749750042






 Ultimo aggiornamento: 16 gennaio 2025