With its 36,000 rock-engravings, the Merveilles Valley is considered one of the most important sites in the world concerning to the prehistoric rock art. It is classified as a Historic Site since 1989.


Given the extreme importance and fragility of this heritage, you can access the most important areas only accompanied by guides with the Merveilles Agreement, released by Parc national du Mercantour, permission that I got in 2015, to accompany you to discover this extraordinary cultural heritage, inside this great and  exciting landscape.



foto Laurent Carré 2014

Follow me on:


Luca Francesco Maria Giraudo


Ornitologo - International Mountain Leader - Accompagnateur en Montagne BE France - Accompagnatore  Naturalistico Regione Piemonte - Accompagnatore Turistico - Istruttore nazionale Nordic Walking SINW

e-mail: - cellulare +393336678359 -  portable +33767220496

Via Rana, 10 - 12012 Boves CN

C.F. GRDLFR64R09B101Z - P. IVA  03749750042






 Ultimo aggiornamento: 22 ottobre 2024