a bit about me

I am a self-taught ornithologist. A nature lover, I have worked in a Nature Park for about twenty-two years.




I have been lucky in the experiences in my life and they have taught me that there are two things that interest me most of all, the emotions that only nature can offer and sharing them with people who value them.



So, I decided to put my skills as an ornithologist and nature guide to their best use.

I remember that, like many children of my age, my first experiences were with frogs and toads, snails, lizards … Animals that were easy to observe near home. I was fascinated by dinosaurs, so much so that I remember it was the only sticker collection that I finished.


By pure chance at the age of 12 I discovered my first passion, insects: I started to collect and categorize, and learn more about their fascinating world.


As an adolescent, like many others, I had other interests. Only later, at about 22, I started to take an interest in birds: I bought my first binoculars, the Peterson field guide, and a notebook that became my inseparable companions …


 After a break of a few years, in which I studied and worked as an educator, in 1993 I joined the staff at the Nature Reserve of the Forest and the Lakes of Palanfré.


The first eleven years as a ranger taught me many things, they gave me the chance to expand on certain aspects of meteorology, geology, ecology and, of course, botany, and zoology. I have been working as technical officer since 2004  on numerous conservation and research projects on insects, spiders, amphibians, reptiles and birds at Alpi Marittime Nature Park.

My professional activity has brought me into contact with specialists in these various fields in many European countries, I have learned their methods, their culture and their visions of the world.



Since the 1st of July 2019 I'm Free Lance and so I can dedicate completely my time and my energies on this new project.

This is also the reason why after 30 years of field work and experience, I am still convinced that to understand the mechanisms and secrets of the world that hosts us, you have to keep looking. This belief is the basis of my professionality.


 I've been roaming the Ligurian, Maritime and Cotian Alps for over 35 years in all seasons, on foot, mtb, skis and snow-shoes. I have undertaken countless excursions and hikes at high altitude, with a tent or staying in refuges, both in summer and winter.   


In 2016 I finished training and qualified as an Accompagnateur Moyenne Montagne, in France. A qualification which is recognised in most European countries.


I also attained the Agrément Merveilles issued by Parc National du Mercantour, allowing me to guide in areas normally closed to the public.


Thanks to the experience gained in various fields, today I can offer my services as a qualified guide in several languages. These activities give me the opportunity to share my enthusiasm and to continue to explore the many aspects of nature.


At the same time, my involvement in field research or monitoring has given me the opportunity to improve my knowledge of birds and contribute to their conservation.


As always I throw my self into my activities with enthusiasm.

foto Laurent Carré 2014

Follow me on:


Luca Francesco Maria Giraudo


Ornitologo - International Mountain Leader - Accompagnateur en Montagne BE France - Accompagnatore  Naturalistico Regione Piemonte - Accompagnatore Turistico - Istruttore nazionale Nordic Walking SINW

e-mail: luca.giraudo21@gmail.com - cellulare +393336678359 -  portable +33767220496

Via Rana, 10 - 12012 Boves CN

C.F. GRDLFR64R09B101Z - P. IVA  03749750042






 Ultimo aggiornamento: 22 ottobre 2024